Authority: Rules, Regulations and Law


Understanding Planning's Authority 

(each link blog style to pages)

Billboard Ordinance

Building Code

Building Guidelines

Design Guidelines for Sustainable Tourism Development

Minimum Property Standards

Quarry Act

Planning Act

The Physical Planning Act 5 (use blog format)

3.      (1) The objective and purposes of the act are:


a.      to foster the awareness that all persons and organizations owning, occupying and developing land have a duty to use that land with due regard for the wider interests both present and future of society as a whole;

b.      to maintain and improve  the quality of the physical environment within which patterns of human settlement are situated in Dominica;

c.       to achieve orderly, economical and beneficial development and use of land and patterns of human settlement

d.      Ro assist in the orderly, efficient, and equitable planning, allocation and development of the resources of Dominica taking account of all relevant social, economical and environmental factors so as to ensure that the most efficient equitable and environmentally sustainable use is made of the land in the interests of all the people of Dominica;

e.      to provide for the orderly subdivision of land and the provision of the services in relation thereto;

f.        to protect and conserve the cultural heritage of Dominica s it finds expression in the natural and the built environment

g.      to secure the health, safety, welfare and convenience of persons in or about buildings and of others who may be affected by buildings or matter connected with buildings; and

h.      to facilitate a continuous improvement in the quality of life of all the people in Dominica

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