Portsmouth and Cottonhill Land Use Plan (Draft)

Proposed Portsmouth - Cotton Hill / Bell Hall Land Use Plan (Draft) (PDF, 1.04 MB)

Proposed Portsmouth - Cotton Hill / Bell Hall Land Use Map (Detail) (PDF, 1.76 MB)

Proposed Portsmouth - Cotton Hill / Bell Hall Land Use Map (General) (PDF, 809 KB)

See Local Collaborations for a proposal put together by Portsmouth Citizens Planning Commission.

There is a high demand for land for tourism and urban development in the north, more specifically Portsmouth. It is becoming more evident; by the increase in the number of yachts, the large number of high school graduates and the influx of foreigners, that the pressure on the town for urban development has intensified.

Although there is land available in the Bell hall / Cotton Hill area, most of these lands may have inadequate access and as a result there are little benefits from its use.

The abundance of this land is evident and so many individuals have squatted and cultivated plots on some of these lands. These lands are underdeveloped as individual land owners lack the resources or incentive to develop them.

The Physical Planning’s Land use section has intervened; where a systematic assessment would be carried on the economic and social conditions in order to recommend and adopt the best land-use options for the area. The purpose of this land use plan as commissioned by the Ministry of Housing Lands Telecommunication Energy and Ports is to guide the future development of the land surrounding the Town of Portsmouth given it opportunities and constraints, and the needs of the people of the area and the country on a whole.

The plan seeks to zone the undeveloped land on the outskirts of the town of Portsmouth where by landowners wishing to subdivide land for sale or development will be required to do so in accordance with the proposed zoning plan.diverse number of uses, which are complementary and supportive to provide the best economic gain for the area.


Cotton Hill / Bell Hall Land use Plan in Google Earth

The following map can be used to identify the Warner Land use Plan as it roughly relates to existing conditions on the ground.  Use this map to identify plots of land and its required use. 

*Google Earth is required to view this file of the Cottonhill/Bell Hall Land Use Plan Google Earth File or zoom into Dominica to view it below.

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