
Guide to Dominica Housing Standards 2018

The Ministry of Planning and Economic Development is pleased to present the Guide to Dominica's Housing Standards. The Guide was developed in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme, Engineers Without Borders, the World Bank, the Physical Planning Division and Ministry of Housing. Our gratitude is extended to these partners.

Draft Dominica National Physical Development Plan (NPDP)

The National Physical Development Plan (NPDP) for the Commonwealth of Dominica ("Dominica") acts together with the National Land Use Policy (NLUP) as the two core documents which fulfill the requirements of the Physical Planning Act. Together the NLUP and NPDP guide planning for land use and development in Dominica.

National Land Use Policy

The National Land Use Policy provides direction for issues related to land use planning in the Commonwealth of Dominica ("Dominica"). The National Land Use Policy sets the foundation for all land use decisions and describes how best to manage development to improve quality of life for Dominicans, through economic and social development, protecting human health and safety, and conserving the natural environment.

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